Difference between Hadoop and Spark in 2020

Hadoop is an open source project of the Apache foundation and created in 2011 that allows processing large volumes of data benefiting from distributed computing. Learn Hadoop Training in Bangalore from prwatech with our professional skilled trainers.
 It is made up of different modules that make up the complete framework, among them we can highlight:
  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): Distributed file system
  • Hadoop Yarn: Cluster Resource Manager
  • Hadoop Map Reduce: Programming paradigm oriented to distribute processing.
Spark is also an open source project from the Apache foundation that was born in 2012 as an enhancement to Hadoop's Map Reduce paradigm. It has high-level programming abstractions and allows working with SQL language.

Hadoop Uses

It is an Apache.org project. Hadoop can scale from individual computer systems to thousands of basic systems that offer local storage and computability.

Companies that use large data sets and analytics use Hadoop. It has become an important big data application. Hadoop was originally designed to handle the crawling and searching of billions of web pages and collect their information in a database. The result of the desire to crawl and search the web was Hadoop's HDFS and its distributed processing engine, MapReduce.

Uses of Spark

Spark is very fast, it is up to 100 times faster than Hadoop MapReduce. Spark can do batch processing, too, but it really excels at streaming workloads, interactive queries, and machine-based learning.

Comparison: Spark vs Hadoop

The reason Spark is so fast is because it processes everything in memory. Spark's in-memory processing provides near-real-time analytics for marketing campaign data, machine learning, Internet of Things sensors, record monitoring, security analytics, and social media sites.

Whereas, MapReduce alternately uses batch processing and was never actually built for amazing speed. Initially, it was configured to collect information from websites and there was no requirement for this data in real time or near real time.

Spark vs Hadoop: Ease of Use

Apache Spark is well known for its ease of use as it comes with easy to use APIs for Scala, Java, Python, and Spark SQL.

Spark also has an interactive mode so that developers and users can have immediate feedback on queries and other actions.

In contrast, Hadoop MapReduce has no interactive mode; however plugins like Hive and Pig make working with MapReduce a bit easier for adopters.

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Spark and Hadoop compatibility

MapReduce and Spark are compatible with each other.

Spark vs Hadoop: Data Processing

MapReduce is an engine where it is batch processed. MapReduce operates in sequential steps when reading data from the cluster, performing its operation on the data, writing the results back to the cluster, reading updated data from the cluster, performing the following data operation, writing those results back to the cluster, etc..

Apache Spark performs similar operations; however, it does it in one step and in memory. It reads data from the cluster, performs its operation on the data, and then writes it back to the cluster.

Spark has its own graph calculation library, GraphX. GraphX, and allows users to view the same data as graphs and collections.

Hadoop vs Spark: fault tolerance

MapReduce and Spark solve the problem from two different directions. MapReduce uses TaskTrackers that beat the JobTracker. If a heartbeat is missed, JobTracker reprograms all pending and ongoing operations to another TaskTracker. This method is effective in providing fault tolerance; however, it can significantly increase completion times for operations that have even a single error.

Spark uses Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), which are sets of fault-tolerant elements that can be operated in parallel. RDDs can refer to a data set on an external storage system, such as a shared file system, HDFS, HBase, or any data source that offers a Hadoop InputFormat.

Spark vs Hadoop: Scalability

Both MapReduce and Apache Spark are scalable using HDFS.

Reports indicate that Yahoo has a Hadoop cluster of 42,000 nodes, so perhaps the limit is endless.

The largest known Spark cluster is 8,000 nodes, but as the big data grows, cluster sizes are expected to increase to maintain performance expectations.

Hadoop offers us features that Spark does not have, such as a distributed file system and Spark provides real-time processing in memory for those data sets that require it.

If you are interested in learning more about Hadoop and spark, enroll with Hadoop Admin Training in Bangalore to get advanced apache spark training in Bangalore from excellent skilled trainers.


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