Difference between Hadoop and Spark in 2020

Hadoop is an open source project of the Apache foundation and created in 2011 that allows processing large volumes of data benefiting from distributed computing . Learn Hadoop Training in Bangalore from prwatech with our professional skilled trainers. It is made up of different modules that make up the complete framework, among them we can highlight: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): Distributed file system Hadoop Yarn: Cluster Resource Manager Hadoop Map Reduce: Programming paradigm oriented to distribute processing. Spark is also an open source project from the Apache foundation that was born in 2012 as an enhancement to Hadoop's Map Reduce paradigm . It has high-level programming abstractions and allows working with SQL language . Hadoop Uses It is an Apache.org project. Hadoop can scale from individual computer systems to thousands of basic systems that offer local storage and computability...